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Simple Self-Care Practices for the Holiday Season

La Vida Yoga blog

Simple Self-Care Practices for the Holiday Season

karla rodas


Yogis, I’ve put together some Simple Self-Care Practices for the holiday season. Hopefully, this is reaching you right on time and  will serve you well. I’ve had a lot of exciting things going on, creating special offerings for the new year, travel and prepping for my fave holiday, Christmas. This has made it crystal clear to me that I need to practice more of what I preach; self-care. It catches up to all of us.

Last week, I taught classes all week but, I also made time to take yoga classes and book myself some much needed R & R time, reiki treatment and sound healing. All of it is tied to energy and some blockages and releasing needed to be done, I felt it working its way through me, and it showed up in the form of a cold. I took the cue and made sure to practice some Self-Care first aid, homebound with plenty of rest, fluids and lots of love from my sweet family including extra cuddles from my fur baby, Xena.

Now, that I’m feeling better, I thought I’d share some simple Self-Care practices that are more about our intentions; how we choose to show up for ourselves and others during the holidays. But, these practices can serve us well all year round.

Simple Self-Care Practices for the Holiday Season:

  • Practice Compassion and Patience: Let’s be real, it can be pretty hectic out there right about now. Extra cars on the road, lots more people waiting in line, the frenetic energy in the air. There is that. But, there’s also kind gestures, letting someone ease in front of you, holiday cookies baking and paying it forward in service to others. Now’s the time to flex our compassion and patience muscles. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. You never know what others may be struggling with.  

  • Infuse Life with Humor: Not only can we infuse most of life’s situations with humor but we can also diffuse many uncomfortable circumstances with humor! Try it. Laugh a little. It helps us loosen up and not take it all so seriously. Laughter releases all of those feel-good chemicals such as endorphins, better than cardio, I say, lol!

  • Before you speak, ask yourself the questions below:

    This includes how we speak to ourselves. Doing so may help us become more active listeners and saying things that we may regret. This can come in handy for many of us who are spending time with family members over the holidays.

T - is it True?

H - is it Helpful?

I - is it Inspiring?

N - is it Necessary?

K - is it Kind?

  • Perspective and Presence: All of it is temporary. We have this moment. What you choose to do with it is up to you. Will you allow expectations, worrying, overthinking, or anxiety to take away from what could otherwise be a joyful time with your loved ones? Allow yourself to be present and experience it all, be in the moment. So, the dish didn’t turn out as you had planned, flour from sugar cookie making spilled all over the floor, you have an unplanned guest for dinner, be with it all. It will pass.

  • Tend to yourself: All of the previous practices have to do with you and how you can deal with some of the situations that can trigger us over the holidays. This one is about you. Being good to yourself. Ask yourself, “What do I need?” What will make you feel good right now? Do more of that. It’s not selfish to take good care of yourself. Chances are that you’ve been putting yourself on the back burner for far too long. Time to switch it up.

  • Slow down: We tend glorify the busyness of it all. Checklists galore, preparations made, doing all the things leading up to our holidays. Check it off the list. Check yourself though. In the midst of it, have you been swept up by it all? Have you taken some time to slow down and enjoy it? Is it even worth it if you’re not able to sit with your feet up, cozy with a fluffy blanket and a warm cup of cocoa in your hands, admiring the twinkle of your tree?


If this resonated with you, please pay it forward and share with your peeps.

And, take a look at the Self-Care Yoga Retreat that I’m offering in May 2019. A special group of women is forming to learn, experience and practice all things Self-Care in beautiful Ecuador.

  • Nourish your Body with daily meals made with locally sourced, organic ingredients and Gentle, Restorative Yoga Practices.

  • Nourish your Mind with Daily Yoga Nidra: Guided Meditation practices and Self-Study.

  • Nourish your Spirit with grounding nature walks, breathing in the fresh mountain air and Reiki-Energy Healing.  

  • Nourish your Soul with community, an intimate circle of Women, sharing insights and spiritual Wisdom.